

Fun fact: Ruki never said Taion is about Junko Furuta. This is something the fans decided by themselves. In the Japanese fandom, it is mostly considered a prevalent theory, but a theory nonetheless; however, in the western fandom it seems to be considered fact, which it is not.
Ruki only confirmed that the song takes up the motif of a gruesome incident from the past. It was something he and Reita saw online, and which really overwhelmed them. But the song is not even entirely about that incident, whichever incident it is. It’s about the feeling of not being able to escape from something, which was something Ruki had wanted to write about since a long time ago.

Of course, it’s still possible that what inspired him was the murder of Junko Furuta, but I wanted to point out that he himself has never named it as that, and there is really nothing about Taion that would concretely imply which incident gave it inspiration. Therefore, it should not be said that Taion is “about Junko Furuta”. Even if that was the mentioned event, it is only part of what inspired him.

Ever since I found out about this, I’ve been trying to find the original interview where Ruki talks about Taion and now I finally have it. I think this is really important so I will translate it when I get the chance so you can read it.

sumber: http://heresiarchy.tumblr.com/

Mnurut penulis (Heresiarchy) ternyata Ruki gak pernah nyebut klo Taion bercerita tentang kasus Junko Furata. itu tuh cma teori fan aja. klo di fandom Jepang ini cma skedar teori/ asumsi pra fan, tpi klo di fandom luar malah dijadikan fakta (^-^')
Ruki sndiri cma mengkonfirmasi klo lagu ini mengenai insiden yg mengerikan dimasa lalu. katanya dia liat soal kejadin tsb di internet bareng sma Reita, dan insiden itu membekas bnget bagi mreka bdua. Namun bgitu,Taion sndri bkan scra keseluruhan menceritakan insiden trsebut. intinya lagu ini sebenarnya menceritakan ttg bagaimana rasanya/ pesrasaan gak bisa melarikan diri dari sesuatu, dan Ruki memang pengen nulis ttg hal ini dri sjak lama.

yaa emang seh, bisa juga lagunya terinspirasi dri kisah pembunuhan Junko Furata, tpi sang penulis (Heresiarchy) cma ingin menunjukkan klo Ruki gak pernah sma skali menyebutkan tentang hal ini, dan dlam Taion pun jga gak ada bukti konkrit yg bsa mengimplikasikan lagu ini terisnpirasi dari insiden tsbut. Makanya, ada baiknya kita tidak menyebutkan bahwa Taion menceritakan "kisah Junko furata". Walaupun mungkin aja insiden JF yg dimaksud dlam lagu tsbut tpi ini hanya slah satu hal yg menginspirasi Ruki menciptakan Taion.

Naaaaah, buat pra sixth guns, yuuuk kita tunggu aja yaa hasil terjemahan Taion oleh Heresiarchy biar kita sma2 tau sbenarnya Taion menceritakan tentang apa :D

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